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    Meet our Sounding Board

    The Old Courts is passionate about opening up our home to local voices. Our Sounding Board helps us to make the best work for the people in our local area.

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    An Interview with Rik Jones

    One night, one man, one guitar. Rik Jones has been part of The Old Courts since day one, delighting crowds with his personal favourites and original songs.

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    An interview with Wigan STEAM

    Wigan STEAM are a Community Arts Organisation that calls The Old Courts home. Our creative tenants invited us down to their office to chat about all things Wigan STEAM, art and the community.

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    What’s On Guides Are Back!
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    Bunker of Zion Births New Opportunities

    Not only has Bunker of Zion been a great success, it has created unique cultural and professional opportunities for those involved.

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    Conversations in the Café: New Music from Rivver

    We caught up with local band, Rivver in the Fork and Brush Cafè for a chat about their latest music and other good stuff!

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    Call Out: Streets Apart Artists Commissions

    We are looking to support the development of 3 new artworks which take inspiration from the stories and histories of King Street, to be created and shared between July 2022 – February 2023.

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    The Old Courts Audience Survey – Let Us Know Your Thoughts!

    Let us know what you think about The Old Courts and be entered into a draw to win a £20 gift card to be spent on our upcoming events.
