What is Space To Inspire?
Space to Inspire is a scheme by The Old Courts for creatives to use our space to scratch and perform new work.
How does the scheme work?
We build a roster of creatives and connect those applicable with the available dates to use the spaces. We provide the space and seating for performances, marketing support, rehearsal time and event support. Artists are permitted to sell tickets and keep the revenue.
What can the spaces be used for?
If you’re aged 16+ and a creative wanting to try new material in front of a live audience, this is for you!
What can the spaces not be used for?
When will I know if I have been successful?
We review applications monthly & this is an open application with no set expiry date. Please be aware that this application is not confirmation of the space being provided and written confirmation of such will be provided following further contact via the contact details you’ve provided.